Intermediate School Bands
There is beginning band for any fifth grade student interested in it. There are
approximately 150 5th graders taking beginning band for the 2000-2001 school year.
At the sixth grade level there is a second year band program. The band size is
approximately 75 for the 2000-2001 school year. Also being offered to 6th grade students
is the opportunity to start band as a beginning student.
The band programs are offered during the school day as the music option of a three day
rotating special along with gym and art. These programs are unde the instruction of
Mr. Jeff Sherby.
Middle School Concert Bands
The Concert Band program is broken down into a separate band for each grade level.
These bands are under the instruction of Mr. Bruce Magely.
High School Concert Band
The High School Concert Band is open to Freshmen and Sophomore students
that have reasonable proficiency with their instrument. They perform in a
number of concerts at Loveland and also in OMEA events throughout the entire
school year. This band is under the instruction of Mr. Jeff Sherby.
Members of the High School Concert Band are also required to periodically
participate in the Pep Band at home basketball games.
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